Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ass Groove Jesus

How did I miss this one from March 15 of this year? I think it looks more like Emmett Kelly's famous clown persona, Weary Willie. Would that make it an ass clown?

For other opinions try Skeptic Rant or Pharyngula. Hat tip to both.


At 7:39 PM, Anonymous rita said...

I'm sure it's much more impressive in person.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger breakerslion said...

LOL! Maybe you had to be there at that. I bet it doesn't smell like Jesus. I always pictured him with a kind of fishy smell. How many loaves and fishes do you think one could hide under those robes?

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Rita said...

Hmmm, I always had a more romantic picture of Fabio with an insane fan clubbut he doesn't stink like fish.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger breakerslion said...

LOL! I'm guessing AssGroove Jesus, were he sentient, would only wish he smelled as nice as fish.


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